Below are two tables showing the two problem classes that prevent installation of foreign architecture binaries

We try to install all binary packages from a dummy architecture generated from amd64 (called armhf here) on amd64.

A machine parsable version can be retrieved in dose yaml format

Hover over a package name with your cursor for architecture and version information. Hovering over the arrows in the depchain columns will show the dependency that led from one package in the chain to the next.

Top 10 summary

The following is a summary of the full "missing" and "conflict" tables below. It only shows the first and last columns of the full tables and only displays the top 10 rows.


# of packages per conflictConflict


The packages in the third column cannot satisfy their (possibly transitive) dependencies because the last package(s) in the first depchain have an unsatisfied conflict which is shown in the last column. The second depchain column shows the dependency chain(s) to the package which the last package(s) in the first depchain conflict with. Sometimes, multiple dependency chains sharing the same conflict exist. Hovering over the arrows in the depchains column with your cursor will show the dependency that led from one package in the chain to the next.

The output is first grouped by the shared conflicting dependency (last column) and then by the shared dependency chains (fourth and fifth column). The groups are sorted by the number of packages sharing the conflict in the last column. Within each group, the output is sorted by the number of packages sharing the same dependency chains.

# of packages per conflict# of packages per depchainpackages with (possibly transitive) conflicting dependenciesDepchain 1Depchain2Conflict
147 147facter passenger puma raspell ruby-atomic ruby-augeas ruby-bcrypt ruby-bcrypt-pbkdf ruby-bert ruby-bindex ruby-binding-ninja ruby-bootsnap ruby-bson ruby-byebug ruby-cairo ruby-cairo-gobject ruby-cbor ruby-character-set ruby-charlock-holmes ruby-commonmarker ruby-concurrent-ext ruby-curb ruby-curses ruby-damerau-levenshtein ruby-dataobjects-mysql ruby-dataobjects-postgres ruby-dataobjects-sqlite3 ruby-debian ruby-debug-inspector ruby-eb ruby-ed25519 ruby-enumerable-statistics ruby-escape-utils ruby-eventmachine ruby-exif ruby-fast-blank ruby-fast-stemmer ruby-fast-xs ruby-fcgi ruby-ferret ruby-ffi ruby-ffi-yajl ruby-fftw3 ruby-filesystem (O: #835186) ruby-fusefs ruby-gd ruby-getspg ruby-gio2 ruby-github-linguist ruby-github-markdown ruby-gitlab-pg-query ruby-glib2 ruby-gobject-introspection ruby-god ruby-gpgme ruby-grib ruby-gsl ruby-guestfs ruby-hamlit ruby-hdfeos5 ruby-hiredis ruby-hitimes ruby-hivex ruby-http-parser.rb ruby-jaro-winkler ruby-json ruby-kgio ruby-kyotocabinet ruby-lapack ruby-ldap ruby-levenshtein ruby-libprelude ruby-librdf ruby-libvirt ruby-libxml ruby-liquid-c ruby-mecab ruby-mmap2 ruby-mpi ruby-msgpack ruby-multibitnums ruby-murmurhash3 ruby-mysql2 ruby-narray ruby-ncurses ruby-netcdf ruby-nfc ruby-nio4r ruby-nokogiri ruby-nokogumbo ruby-odbc ruby-oily-png ruby-oj ruby-ox ruby-pango ruby-password ruby-pcaprub ruby-pg ruby-posix-spawn ruby-prof ruby-prometheus-client-mmap ruby-psych ruby-raindrops ruby-rblineprof ruby-rbtrace ruby-rdiscount ruby-re2 ruby-redcarpet ruby-redcloth ruby-regexp-property-values ruby-remctl ruby-rinku ruby-rjb ruby-rmagick ruby-rpam-ruby19 ruby-rpatricia ruby-rrd ruby-ruby-magic-static ruby-rugged ruby-sdl ruby-selinux ruby-semanage ruby-sequel-pg ruby-serialport ruby-shadow ruby-sigar ruby-sqlite3 ruby-stackprof ruby-strptime ruby-termios ruby-thrift ruby-timfel-krb5-auth ruby-tioga (O: #897309) ruby-tokyocabinet ruby-uconv ruby-unf-ext ruby-unicode ruby-version-sorter ruby-vmstat ruby-websocket-driver ruby-xmlhash ruby-xmlparser ruby-yajl ruby-zoom thin unicorn(*)rubyruby-rubygemsrubyruby2.7(*)rubyruby2.7 ruby2.7:amd64
128 128facter puma raspell ruby-atomic ruby-augeas ruby-bcrypt ruby-bcrypt-pbkdf ruby-bert ruby-bindex ruby-binding-ninja ruby-bootsnap ruby-bson ruby-cairo ruby-cairo-gobject ruby-cbor ruby-character-set ruby-charlock-holmes ruby-curb ruby-curses ruby-damerau-levenshtein ruby-debian ruby-debug-inspector ruby-eb ruby-ed25519 ruby-enumerable-statistics ruby-escape-utils ruby-eventmachine ruby-exif ruby-fast-blank ruby-fast-stemmer ruby-fast-xs ruby-fcgi ruby-ferret ruby-ffi ruby-ffi-yajl ruby-fftw3 ruby-filesystem (O: #835186) ruby-fusefs ruby-gd ruby-getspg ruby-gio2 ruby-github-markdown ruby-gitlab-pg-query ruby-glib2 ruby-gobject-introspection ruby-god ruby-gpgme ruby-grib ruby-gsl ruby-hdfeos5 ruby-hiredis ruby-hitimes ruby-hivex ruby-http-parser.rb ruby-jaro-winkler ruby-json ruby-kgio ruby-kyotocabinet ruby-lapack ruby-ldap ruby-levenshtein ruby-libprelude ruby-librdf ruby-libvirt ruby-libxml ruby-mecab ruby-mmap2 ruby-mpi ruby-msgpack ruby-multibitnums ruby-murmurhash3 ruby-mysql2 ruby-narray ruby-ncurses ruby-nfc ruby-nio4r ruby-nokogiri ruby-nokogumbo ruby-odbc ruby-oj ruby-ox ruby-pango ruby-password ruby-pcaprub ruby-pg ruby-posix-spawn ruby-prof ruby-prometheus-client-mmap ruby-psych ruby-raindrops ruby-rblineprof ruby-rdiscount ruby-re2 ruby-redcarpet ruby-redcloth ruby-regexp-property-values ruby-remctl ruby-rinku ruby-rjb ruby-rmagick ruby-rpam-ruby19 ruby-rpatricia ruby-rrd ruby-rugged ruby-sdl ruby-selinux ruby-semanage ruby-serialport ruby-shadow ruby-sigar ruby-sqlite3 ruby-stackprof ruby-strptime ruby-termios ruby-thrift ruby-timfel-krb5-auth ruby-tioga (O: #897309) ruby-tokyocabinet ruby-uconv ruby-unf-ext ruby-unicode ruby-version-sorter ruby-vmstat ruby-xmlhash ruby-xmlparser ruby-yajl ruby-zoom(*)rubyruby-rubygemsruby(*)ruby ruby:amd64

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For questions and bugreports please contact j [dot] schauer [at] email [dot] de.