Below are two tables showing the two problem classes that prevent installation of foreign architecture binaries

We try to install all binary packages from a dummy architecture generated from amd64 (called armhf here) on amd64.

A machine parsable version can be retrieved in dose yaml format

Hover over a package name with your cursor for architecture and version information. Hovering over the arrows in the depchain columns will show the dependency that led from one package in the chain to the next.

src:lightdm-kde (RM: #883714)

Top 10 summary

The following is a summary of the full "missing" and "conflict" tables below. It only shows the first and last columns of the full tables and only displays the top 10 rows.


# of packages per missingUnsatisfied dependency
71kate-data:armhf (>= 4:4.14.3-4)
71kde-runtime-data:armhf (>= 4:16.08.3-2)
71kdelibs5-data:armhf (= 4:4.14.36-1)


The packages in the third column cannot satisfy their (possibly transitive) dependencies because of the unsatisfied dependency in the last column. This is mostly because the binary package providing the dependency in the last column is Multi-Arch:no. Some of these packages need to be Multi-Arch:foreign instead. In some other cases, Build-Depends can be annotated with :native. The depchains column shows the dependency chain(s) from the packages in the third column to the unsatisfied dependency in the last column. The "(*)" placeholder in the depchains column represents any package in the third column. Hovering over the arrows in the depchains column with your cursor will show the dependency that led from one package in the chain to the next.

The output is first grouped by the shared unsatisfied dependency (last column) and then by shared dependency chain (fourth column). The groups are sorted by the number of packages missing the dependency in the last column. Within each group, the output is sorted by the number of packages sharing the same dependency chain.

# of packages per missing# of packages per depchainpackages with missing (possibly transitive) dependenciesDepchainsUnsatisfied dependency
71 71amarok audex basket dolphin4 eqonomize (O: #744738) jovie juk k3b kaccessible kamerka kcachegrind kchmviewer (ITA: #879300) kcollectd (O: #840320) kdbg (O: #803878) kde-baseapps-bin kdepasswd kdesdk-misc kdiff3 keurocalc kfilereplace kfind kget kgpg kile kimagemapeditor kio-audiocd klinkstatus kmetronome kmidimon kmix kmldonkey (O: #656361) kmouth kmtrace kmymoney knights knode knutclient kolf kommander komparator konq-plugins konqueror konqueror-nsplugins kopete kover kppp kprinter4 kradio4 kraft krecipes kredentials kremotecontrol krename kscd kshutdown ksirk ktikz ktimetracker kuser kvkbd (O: #655258) kvpnc kxstitch lightdm-kde-greeter (RM: #883714) okular palapeli python-kde4 python3-pykde4 rkward soundkonverter sweeper syncevolution-libs-kde(*)kde-runtimekdelibs5-pluginskatepart kate-data:armhf (>= 4:4.14.3-4)
71 71amarok audex basket dolphin4 eqonomize (O: #744738) jovie juk k3b kaccessible kamerka kcachegrind kchmviewer (ITA: #879300) kcollectd (O: #840320) kdbg (O: #803878) kde-baseapps-bin kdepasswd kdesdk-misc kdiff3 keurocalc kfilereplace kfind kget kgpg kile kimagemapeditor kio-audiocd klinkstatus kmetronome kmidimon kmix kmldonkey (O: #656361) kmouth kmtrace kmymoney knights knode knutclient kolf kommander komparator konq-plugins konqueror konqueror-nsplugins kopete kover kppp kprinter4 kradio4 kraft krecipes kredentials kremotecontrol krename kscd kshutdown ksirk ktikz ktimetracker kuser kvkbd (O: #655258) kvpnc kxstitch lightdm-kde-greeter (RM: #883714) okular palapeli python-kde4 python3-pykde4 rkward soundkonverter sweeper syncevolution-libs-kde(*)kde-runtime kde-runtime-data:armhf (>= 4:16.08.3-2)
71 71amarok audex basket dolphin4 eqonomize (O: #744738) jovie juk k3b kaccessible kamerka kcachegrind kchmviewer (ITA: #879300) kcollectd (O: #840320) kdbg (O: #803878) kde-baseapps-bin kdepasswd kdesdk-misc kdiff3 keurocalc kfilereplace kfind kget kgpg kile kimagemapeditor kio-audiocd klinkstatus kmetronome kmidimon kmix kmldonkey (O: #656361) kmouth kmtrace kmymoney knights knode knutclient kolf kommander komparator konq-plugins konqueror konqueror-nsplugins kopete kover kppp kprinter4 kradio4 kraft krecipes kredentials kremotecontrol krename kscd kshutdown ksirk ktikz ktimetracker kuser kvkbd (O: #655258) kvpnc kxstitch lightdm-kde-greeter (RM: #883714) okular palapeli python-kde4 python3-pykde4 rkward soundkonverter sweeper syncevolution-libs-kde(*)kde-runtimekdelibs5-plugins kdelibs5-data:armhf (= 4:4.14.36-1)
71 71amarok audex basket dolphin4 eqonomize (O: #744738) jovie juk k3b kaccessible kamerka kcachegrind kchmviewer (ITA: #879300) kcollectd (O: #840320) kdbg (O: #803878) kde-baseapps-bin kdepasswd kdesdk-misc kdiff3 keurocalc kfilereplace kfind kget kgpg kile kimagemapeditor kio-audiocd klinkstatus kmetronome kmidimon kmix kmldonkey (O: #656361) kmouth kmtrace kmymoney knights knode knutclient kolf kommander komparator konq-plugins konqueror konqueror-nsplugins kopete kover kppp kprinter4 kradio4 kraft krecipes kredentials kremotecontrol krename kscd kshutdown ksirk ktikz ktimetracker kuser kvkbd (O: #655258) kvpnc kxstitch lightdm-kde-greeter (RM: #883714) okular palapeli python-kde4 python3-pykde4 rkward soundkonverter sweeper syncevolution-libs-kde(*)kde-runtime oxygen-icon-theme:armhf

generated: 20171211T000000Z

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For questions and bugreports please contact j [dot] schauer [at] email [dot] de.