Below are two tables showing the two problem classes that prevent installation of foreign architecture binaries

We try to install all binary packages from a dummy architecture generated from amd64 (called armhf here) on amd64.

A machine parsable version can be retrieved in dose yaml format

Hover over a package name with your cursor for architecture and version information. Hovering over the arrows in the depchain columns will show the dependency that led from one package in the chain to the next.


Top 10 summary

The following is a summary of the full "missing" and "conflict" tables below. It only shows the first and last columns of the full tables and only displays the top 10 rows.


# of packages per missingUnsatisfied dependency


The packages in the third column cannot satisfy their (possibly transitive) dependencies because of the unsatisfied dependency in the last column. This is mostly because the binary package providing the dependency in the last column is Multi-Arch:no. Some of these packages need to be Multi-Arch:foreign instead. In some other cases, Build-Depends can be annotated with :native. The depchains column shows the dependency chain(s) from the packages in the third column to the unsatisfied dependency in the last column. The "(*)" placeholder in the depchains column represents any package in the third column. Hovering over the arrows in the depchains column with your cursor will show the dependency that led from one package in the chain to the next.

The output is first grouped by the shared unsatisfied dependency (last column) and then by shared dependency chain (fourth column). The groups are sorted by the number of packages missing the dependency in the last column. Within each group, the output is sorted by the number of packages sharing the same dependency chain.

# of packages per missing# of packages per depchainpackages with missing (possibly transitive) dependenciesDepchainsUnsatisfied dependency
144 144amarok apper artikulate baloo-kf5 basket calligra-libs calligraplan calligrasheets calligrastage cantor cantor-backend-lua cantor-backend-maxima cantor-backend-octave cantor-backend-python3 cantor-backend-qalculate cantor-backend-r cantor-backend-sage cantor-backend-scilab cervisia choqok dolphin-owncloud gstreamer-qapt heaptrack-gui k4dirstat kaffeine kaidan kalgebra kamoso kapptemplate kbibtex kcachegrind kde-config-fcitx kde-config-systemd kde-style-qtcurve-qt5 kde-thumbnailer-deb kdenlive kdesdk-thumbnailers kdesvn-kio-plugins kdevelop-php kdevelop512-libs kdialog kdiff3 keditbookmarks keurocalc kexi kid3 kigo kile kimagemapeditor kinit kio-fuse kio-gopher kio-perldoc kipi-plugins (RM: #1091334) kiten kjumpingcube kmag kmailtransport-akonadi kmouth kmplayer kmplot kmymoney kolourpaint kphotoalbum krename kross krusader kstars ksystemlog ktechlab ktikz ktimer ktimetracker kturtle kuiviewer kup-backup kwalletmanager kwave kxstitch labplot latte-dock libalkimia5-8 libcantorlibs28abi1t64 libkasten4controllers0 libkasten4core0 libkasten4okteta2controllers0 libkf5akonadicalendar5abi1 (RM: #1090962) libkf5akonadicontact5 libkf5akonadicore5abi2 libkf5akonadimime5 libkf5akonadiwidgets5abi1 libkf5calendarsupport5abi1 (RM: #1090908) libkf5cddb5 libkf5contacteditor5 libkf5dav5 libkf5declarative5 libkf5identitymanagementwidgets5 libkf5imap5 libkf5kdelibs4support5-bin libkf5kdelibs4support5t64 libkf5khtml-bin libkf5khtml5 libkf5kmanagesieve5 (RM: #1090937) libkf5krossui5 libkf5ksieveui5 (RM: #1090937) libkf5ldap5abi1 libkf5mailcommon5abi2 (RM: #1090938) libkf5messagecomposer5abi1t64 (RM: #1090939) libkf5messagecore5abi1t64 (RM: #1090939) libkf5messagelist5abi1t64 (RM: #1090939) libkf5messageviewer5abi1t64 (RM: #1090939) libkf5notifyconfig5 libkf5parts5 libkf5pimcommon5abi2 (RM: #1090946) libkf5pimcommonakonadi5abi1 (RM: #1090946) libkf5pimtextedit5abi2 libkf5plasma5 libkf5purpose-bin libkf5runner5 libkf5texteditor5 libkf5webkit5 libkf5xmlrpcclient5 libkomparediff2-5 libkpimsmtp5abi1 libokular5core11 marble markdownpart massif-visualizer (O: #873645) neochat peruse plasma-framework plasma5-integration qapt-batch qapt-deb-installer rkward skrooge smb4k step subtitlecomposer sweeper syncthingtray-kde-plasma tagua (RM: #1091175) tellico umbrello(*)kio libkf5wallet-bin:armhf
14 13blinken kigo kiten kmag kmix kmousetool kmouth kolourpaint kruler kwalletmanager kwave libkomparediff2-5 sweeper(*)libkf5xmlgui5 libkf5globalaccel-bin:armhf

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The JSON data used to generate these pages was computed using botch, the bootstrap/build ordering tool chain. The source code of botch can be redistributed under the terms of the LGPL3+ with an OCaml linking exception. The source code can be retrieved from

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For questions and bugreports please contact j [dot] schauer [at] email [dot] de.