Below are two tables showing the two problem classes that prevent cross compilation on the dependency level. This example tries to satisfy the crossbuild dependencies of all source packages on amd64 as the build architecture for a dummy architecture generated from amd64 (called armhf here) as the host architecture in current Debian sid.

A machine parsable version can be retrieved in dose yaml format

Bugs are associated with packages on this page if they carry the usertag "cross-satisfiability" of the user "".

You can get an overview of all bugs tagged like that in the Debian bts

Hover over a package name with your cursor for architecture and version information. Hovering over the arrows in the depchain columns will show the dependency that led from one package in the chain to the next.


Top 10 summary

The following is a summary of the full "missing" and "conflict" tables below. It only shows the first and last columns of the full tables and only displays the top 10 rows.


# of packages per missingUnsatisfied dependency


The packages in the third column cannot satisfy their (possibly transitive) dependencies because of the unsatisfied dependency in the last column. This is mostly because the binary package providing the dependency in the last column is Multi-Arch:no. Some of these packages need to be Multi-Arch:foreign instead. In some other cases, Build-Depends can be annotated with :native. The depchains column shows the dependency chain(s) from the packages in the third column to the unsatisfied dependency in the last column. The "(*)" placeholder in the depchains column represents any package in the third column. Hovering over the arrows in the depchains column with your cursor will show the dependency that led from one package in the chain to the next.

The output is first grouped by the shared unsatisfied dependency (last column) and then by shared dependency chain (fourth column). The groups are sorted by the number of packages missing the dependency in the last column. Within each group, the output is sorted by the number of packages sharing the same dependency chain.

# of packages per missing# of packages per depchainpackages with missing (possibly transitive) dependenciesDepchainsUnsatisfied dependency
70 70src:afdko src:astropy src:astropy-healpix src:astropy-regions src:astroscrappy src:atropos src:black src:blurhash-python src:borgbackup src:borgbackup2 src:brian src:casa-formats-io src:compreffor src:cumin src:device-tree-compiler src:duplicity src:extension-helpers src:fast-histogram src:gammapy src:healpy src:imexam src:kiwisolver src:mariadb-connector-python src:matplotlib src:numcodecs src:opm-common src:photutils src:pikepdf src:psautohint src:pybdsf src:pyclipper src:pyerfa src:pylibtiff src:pymad src:pymssql src:pyraf src:pyregion src:pysolid src:pysynphot src:python-bcj src:python-cartopy src:python-drizzle src:python-hmmlearn src:python-inflate64 src:python-leidenalg src:python-libcst src:python-lz4 src:python-maxminddb src:python-openstep-plist src:python-pkcs11 src:python-pyepics src:python-pyppmd src:python-schema-salad src:python-soxr src:python-tinyalign src:python-vispy src:python-wordcloud src:python-xmlsec src:rdiff-backup src:reproject src:scalene src:segyio src:specutils src:spglib src:synphot src:tpm2-pytss src:ujson src:urwid src:whipper src:xraylarch(*) python3-setuptools-scm:armhf
37 37src:389-ds-base src:aggdraw src:borgbackup src:borgbackup2 src:breezy src:ceph src:fwupd (1064659) src:gnuradio src:intake src:iva src:keyman src:kivy src:linkchecker src:mdanalysis src:mininet src:netcdf4-python src:nodejs src:numexpr src:ont-fast5-api src:pikepdf src:pyepr src:pyerfa src:pygac src:pynx src:pyogrio src:pyside6 src:pytables src:python-cartopy src:python-hug src:python-pyproj src:qutip src:rasterio src:reprozip src:scalene src:sosreport src:storm src:tpm2-pytss(*) python3-packaging:armhf
34 34src:abpoa src:afdko src:atropos src:avogadrolibs src:aws-crt-python src:cockpit src:dbus-python src:fenics-basix src:libslow5lib src:mypy src:obitools src:onnxruntime src:opencc src:pyside2 src:pyside6 src:python-cymem src:python-djvulibre src:python-ewah-bool-utils src:python-hug src:python-libcst src:python-maxminddb src:python-nacl src:python-soxr src:python-thinc src:python-xmlsec src:python-xypattern src:quantlib-swig src:qutip src:rl-accel src:rl-renderpm src:ruff src:scalene src:scipy src:xrootd(*) python3-wheel:armhf
33 33src:astropy src:chemeq src:chromium (RFH: #1016047) src:conky src:devhelp src:elogind src:freeipa src:fwupd (1064659) src:gssdp src:intake src:jq src:libcamera src:libei src:libplacebo src:lxcfs src:magics++ src:montage src:neovim-qt src:nmodl src:opencolorio src:openxr-sdk-source src:otf2 src:phoc src:python-memray src:python-poetry-dynamic-versioning src:qt-material src:rpy2 src:sagemath src:scalene src:sfxr-qt src:silver-platter src:statsmodels src:workrave(*) python3-jinja2:armhf
2 2src:python-memray src:scalene(*) python3-rich:armhf

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For questions and bugreports please contact j [dot] schauer [at] email [dot] de.