Below are two tables showing the two problem classes that prevent cross compilation on the dependency level. This example tries to satisfy the crossbuild dependencies of all source packages on amd64 as the build architecture for a dummy architecture generated from amd64 (called armhf here) as the host architecture in current Debian sid.

A machine parsable version can be retrieved in dose yaml format

Bugs are associated with packages on this page if they carry the usertag "cross-satisfiability" of the user "".

You can get an overview of all bugs tagged like that in the Debian bts

Hover over a package name with your cursor for architecture and version information. Hovering over the arrows in the depchain columns will show the dependency that led from one package in the chain to the next.


Top 10 summary

The following is a summary of the full "missing" and "conflict" tables below. It only shows the first and last columns of the full tables and only displays the top 10 rows.


# of packages per missingUnsatisfied dependency


# of packages per conflictConflict


The packages in the third column cannot satisfy their (possibly transitive) dependencies because of the unsatisfied dependency in the last column. This is mostly because the binary package providing the dependency in the last column is Multi-Arch:no. Some of these packages need to be Multi-Arch:foreign instead. In some other cases, Build-Depends can be annotated with :native. The depchains column shows the dependency chain(s) from the packages in the third column to the unsatisfied dependency in the last column. The "(*)" placeholder in the depchains column represents any package in the third column. Hovering over the arrows in the depchains column with your cursor will show the dependency that led from one package in the chain to the next.

The output is first grouped by the shared unsatisfied dependency (last column) and then by shared dependency chain (fourth column). The groups are sorted by the number of packages missing the dependency in the last column. Within each group, the output is sorted by the number of packages sharing the same dependency chain.

# of packages per missing# of packages per depchainpackages with missing (possibly transitive) dependenciesDepchainsUnsatisfied dependency
187 187src:ariba src:astropy-healpix src:astropy-regions src:aubio src:baler src:bup src:clamav src:codetiming src:cumin src:cvc5 src:cyvcf2 src:dart src:deap src:dm-tree src:dolfinx-mpc src:dumb-init src:dupeguru src:duplicity src:extension-helpers src:fast-histogram src:fenics-basix src:fpylll src:frozenlist src:gammapy src:gau2grid src:genx src:gfapy src:gpiozero src:gromacs src:gudhi src:healpy src:herbstluftwm src:hyperspy src:imexam src:intake src:iva src:kiwi src:libei src:libpillowfight src:libsass-python src:libvigraimpex src:lru-dict src:luma.core src:luma.emulator src:luma.lcd src:luma.led-matrix src:luma.oled src:lz4tools src:macs src:matplotlib src:metomi-isodatetime src:milksnake src:mwparserfromhell src:netgen src:nipy src:nmodl src:notmuch src:numpy-stl src:opendrop src:openslide-python src:opentsne src:pcpp src:peewee src:pglast src:photutils src:pillow src:piuparts src:plyvel src:pocketsphinx-python src:poezio src:poolcounter src:psd-tools src:psi4 src:pyasn src:pycdio src:pycorrfit src:pyftdi src:pyfuse3 src:pyicu src:pykwalify src:pymatgen src:pymbolic src:pymongo src:pynauty src:pyreflink src:pyregion src:pyrle src:pyrsistent src:pysmbc src:python-acora src:python-aiohttp src:python-argon2 src:python-awkward src:python-bonsai src:python-bumps src:python-cartopy src:python-cmarkgfm src:python-confluent-kafka src:python-cramjam src:python-csa src:python-cymem src:python-datrie src:python-drizzle src:python-evdev src:python-falcon src:python-fitsio src:python-freesasa src:python-gmpy2 src:python-hdmedians src:python-hiredis src:python-httptools src:python-hug (RM: #1088707) src:python-intbitset src:python-isal src:python-jq src:python-libcst src:python-libdiscid src:python-libzim src:python-llfuse src:python-lzo src:python-mapnik src:python-msgpack src:python-multidict src:python-mutf8 src:python-nacl src:python-netfilterqueue src:python-nh3 src:python-orjson src:python-pamqp src:python-preshed src:python-psycopg2cffi src:python-pyeclib src:python-pyo src:python-pyppmd src:python-pyproj src:python-pyscss src:python-pyspike src:python-rapidjson src:python-ratelimiter src:python-rcssmin src:python-rjsmin src:python-rocksdb src:python-rtmidi src:python-setproctitle src:python-shapely src:python-suitesparse-graphblas src:python-thinc src:python-time-machine src:python-tinyalign src:python-wrapt src:python-wsaccel src:python-xeddsa src:python-xmlsec src:python-xypattern src:python-yappi src:python-zxcvbn-rs-py (RFA: #1081614) src:pywavelets src:pywayland src:qiskit-terra (RFH: #1008625) src:rasterio src:rdkit src:receptor src:remctl src:reproject src:ros2-ament-index src:rpds-py src:rpy2 src:s3ql src:sasmodels src:scikit-learn src:scipy src:segyio src:siconos src:skimage src:smbus2 src:sqlalchemy src:sshfs-fuse src:suricata-update src:synphot src:tiktoken src:tinyarray src:trimesh src:votca src:websockify src:wxpython4.0 src:xrayutilities src:zope.interface(*) python3-pytest:armhf
103 103src:abinit src:adios src:aevol src:ampliconnoise src:apbs src:armci-mpi src:arpack src:boost1.83 src:cctools src:coinor-ipopt src:cp2k src:dbcsr src:dune-common src:dune-functions src:dune-geometry src:dune-grid src:dune-grid-glue src:dune-istl src:dune-localfunctions src:dune-typetree src:dune-uggrid src:eckit src:ectrans src:elkcode src:elpa src:espresso src:esys-particle src:examl src:eztrace src:fenics-dolfinx src:ffindex src:fftw src:fftw3 src:fiat-ecmwf src:form src:ga src:garli src:genomicsdb src:gerris src:gfsview src:gloo src:gpaw src:gretl src:gridtools src:gromacs src:gtg-trace src:gyoto src:hdf5 src:hpcc src:hyphy src:iqtree src:libmbd src:liggghts src:lrslib src:mathgl src:mfem src:molds src:mpgrafic src:mpi4py src:mpi4py-fft src:mpqc src:mrbayes src:mrmpi src:mumps src:murasaki src:netgen src:neuron src:nwchem src:oasis3 src:open-coarrays src:openfoam src:opm-common src:opm-grid src:opm-upscaling src:otf src:p4est src:palabos (ITA: #944878) src:papi src:phyml src:pnetcdf src:pysph src:python-escript src:pytorch src:pyzoltan src:ray src:relion src:rmpi src:rocalution src:ruby-mpi src:scilab src:silo-llnl src:slepc4py src:sopt src:spfft src:spooles src:starpu src:stopt src:sundials src:superlu-dist src:tachyon src:tree-puzzle src:valgrind src:vtk9(*)mpi-default-devlibopenmpi-devlibpmix-dev python3-sphinx:armhf
32 32src:chr src:dssp src:dynarmic src:fuzzylite src:giada src:gringo src:gsmartcontrol src:immer src:kallisto src:lager src:libbgcode src:libcifpp src:libodsstream src:libpappsomspp src:libxpertmass src:mrc src:netgen src:neuron src:newsboat src:nmodl src:nuspell src:posixsignalmanager src:qelectrotech (RFA: #929592) src:rdkit src:restinio src:slic3r-prusa src:sopt src:termpaint src:therion src:trompeloeil-cpp src:tuiwidgets src:zug(*) catch2:armhf
2 2src:netgen src:xcrysden(*) libtogl-dev:armhf


The packages in the third column cannot satisfy their (possibly transitive) dependencies because the last package(s) in the first depchain have an unsatisfied conflict which is shown in the last column. The second depchain column shows the dependency chain(s) to the package which the last package(s) in the first depchain conflict with. Sometimes, multiple dependency chains sharing the same conflict exist. Hovering over the arrows in the depchains column with your cursor will show the dependency that led from one package in the chain to the next.

The output is first grouped by the shared conflicting dependency (last column) and then by the shared dependency chains (fourth and fifth column). The groups are sorted by the number of packages sharing the conflict in the last column. Within each group, the output is sorted by the number of packages sharing the same dependency chains.

# of packages per conflict# of packages per depchainpackages with (possibly transitive) conflicting dependenciesDepchain 1Depchain2Conflict
6 6src:adios2 src:fenics-dolfinx src:mpi4py-fft src:netgen src:pysph src:vtk9(*)mpi-default-devlibopenmpi-devopenmpi-binlibopenmpi40libucx0libamdhip64-5(*)python3-mpi4pylibopenmpi40libucx0libamdhip64-5 libamdhip64-5:amd64
6 6src:adios src:fenics-dolfinx src:mpi4py-fft src:netgen src:pysph src:vtk9(*)python3-mpi4pylibopenmpi40libfabric1libpsm-infinipath1(*)mpi-default-devlibopenmpi-devopenmpi-binlibopenmpi40libfabric1libpsm-infinipath1 libpsm-infinipath1:armhf
6 6src:adios src:fenics-dolfinx src:mpi4py-fft src:netgen src:pysph src:vtk9(*)mpi-default-devlibopenmpi-devopenmpi-binlibopenmpi40libpsm2-2(*)python3-mpi4pylibopenmpi40libpsm2-2 libpsm2-2:amd64

generated: 20250113T000000Z

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For questions and bugreports please contact j [dot] schauer [at] email [dot] de.